Sep 29, 2017
What do you want your employer to do with your feedback?
This is bonus episode for subscribers only
Deep Listening - The Managers Master Class Prototype request for feedback
I am looking for 10 managers who can provide feedback on my course before I launch it this year
The course is designed for managers who work in...
Sep 26, 2017
There is a huge amount of money being invested in engagement surveys. Are these surveys effective? Is there a way to make them more effective? My guest today shares lessons learned from other cultures that could improve the entire communication and listening process.
Today, I am speaking to corporate anthropologist...
Sep 19, 2017
I am excited to have Jessica Watson on today’s show. Jessica became the youngest person to sail solo nonstop around the world. She was named Young Australian of the year in 2011 and received an OAM (Order of Australia Medal). She is co-founder of the marine startup Deckee and Youth Ambassador for The United Nations...
Sep 18, 2017
One of the five elements of deep listening is making meaning from listening to others. My guests today are Sarah Manley and David Christie from Innovation Arts, a hybrid strategy consultancy and design agency. David is the founder and Sarah is a project manager, and they both use a form of visual communication called...