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Deep Listening - Impact beyond words - Oscar Trimboli

May 26, 2020

Paul Nadeau is a highly decorated former police detective, hostage negotiator and international peacekeeper. 

He shares the story of how a terrorist saved his life, and why the cost of not listening can be fatal.

Learn how to ask the right questions and build rapport. Paul says that at the core, hostage negotiation and...

May 8, 2020

Dame Evelyn Glennie is on a quest to teach the world to listen, to themselves and to each other. 

Evelyn is an internationally renowned percussionist, remarkably despite being deaf since age 12. She shares the story of an encouraging music teacher, who suggested she remove her hearing aids to listen better.

Learn about...

May 1, 2020

Which listening villain are you? Once you know, you can’t forget it.

86% of people think they are an above average listener.

So rather than thinking about how to listen better, it can be more helpful to notice what bad listening looks like.

Meet the Four Villains of Listening: Dramatic, Interrupting, Lost and...